
Friday, 2 December 2011

Cells and ''Sticky Keys''

There is this option on the keyboard called sticky keys.. it makes for an easier use of the shift key.. don't have to hold multiple keys simultaneously.. instead you press shift once and then any other upper-case key wanted.. There is also an option in the universe.. synonymous in its easiness.. yet, they both seem to have one thing in common that so easily defies this ease.. I still fumble for the multiple-keys-simultaneously.. I forget about the easier way.. too involved in my though-pour-out to ever give even 5 per cent of my awareness to a shortcut on my keyboard.. why would it ever surprise me that the universe makes it hard for me in all its guises considering that I still reach for the hardest way to use the shift key.. I detour the shortcut.. the hardest way to approach life.. I look at my ''(miss)deed'' aggravated and surprised of how I just successfully managed to make it harder.. that one tiny example of a momentum that is ''easier'' than real ease.. My skin, my cells.. all in that momentum on a daily basis in general life.. doing things from the point of momentum, rather than a point of desire and choice.. finding it ''easier'' to do things (think things) the hard way even though right there are the ''sticky keys''..

Thursday, 6 October 2011

The High in Disguise..

...what happens when the only high you know of is the high you get from a strange mixture of envy and pain.. the high of feeling robbed.. gushing in its puddle.. the particular ''sweet'' smell of victimization and the slime climbing up your pores.. How unmistakable you gravitate to it.. to this magnetically alluring replacement for a high that is originally equally emotionally engaging if not unimaginably more so.. How surgically precise do you veer from catching the fleeting glimpse of a thought that chiseled to matter, making your life a sculpture.. grown out of second hand puddle baths that dry your clay to dust..

Friday, 29 July 2011

The real Capital

i'm not sure what this is supposed to be.. if it is supposed to be anything than it's supposed to be ''supposed free''.. straight from under the universmiths hammer.. not cooled by censor or hesitation.. not waiting for the ''stiff'' to get etched into the next journey and to trip over it.. so, the universe behind some pair of eyes might forgive me for not hitting the shift key simultaneously with a letter.. i'm supposing the ''capital'' is not in that.. people write messages to the known, mine are for the unknown.. and further still, mine just are.. ..

Thursday, 21 July 2011

The Unfolding of Folds..

Did the thing we call ''universe'' stop in its tracks to consider someone will be watching him (her, it..) perform its unfolding.. If I am anything like it (him, her..) I would be too busy unfolding to ever stop and tremble at the possibility that what I unfold into will one day look at me and judge my folds..